This country has been identified as one of the most violent in the world. Guerrillas, paramilitaries and drug cartels are at the core of the storm, causing thousands of deaths, impoverishing the citizens and creating shifts that seriously affect the mental and physical health of the population, especially children and adolescents.
With corporate social responsibility project curious little things our company aims to encourage school children Moralba quarter of the town of San Cristobal to the game, so they are very great people in life. The project is to make sports recreation during the school Moralba 2, because young people today choose a wrong path, and decide to be part of them.
Sporting activities is to give children from school Moralba February 1 cuso OS healthier environment, having the mind occupied and encourage children to explore and vallanastray.
• Integrating children with their peers, as the sport is great fun and is very good for your health so the project of corporate social responsibility we carry out these activities.
• Publicize the damage they can cause drugs and bad habits for children to understand thatone bad decision can ruin your life.
As we can see that takes years as the children of our country have changed, this is because parents, society and the media which results in drugs, theft, etc.. To avoid these conflicts are carried out several projects for prevention.Encouraging them to study and practice sport, to your mind and body to focus on a hobby to keep them healthy and contributing to society.
Then proceed to the sports that we have prepared for children, such as running a team, different responsibilities of table tennis and games that kids like.
I. Theoretical Framework, this is caused by that since children are influenced by society.
1.1 The reality of today's youth:
"Many young people are victims of impoverishment and social marginalization, lack of employment, education does not respond to the demands of life, drug trafficking, guerrillas, gangs, prostitution, alcoholism of abuse.Many young people live lulled by the propaganda of the media and also by cultural impositions and the immediate pragmatic pro q has created new problems in effective restraint of children and relative and the men and women tend to all.It sometimes believe that greed refers only to money, having things, but in many hearts there is greed for sex stores, admiration, prestige, being older, better than the other or another, be knowledgeable, who prefer.This is creating in us and us a competitive world of consumer dissatisfaction, immorality and corruption.Adopt a more aggressive and get to what they are used as objects and aligning with fashion, advertising cheap consumer who manipulate and create artificial needs, if not balanced q decides is best for him or her.The youth of today can not be bird in a cage without effort, without illusions, without expectations, you have to spread their wings and fly, in a clear sky and full of hope.They let us feel the desire for "something more", to be dissatisfied with what they say, but must go forward because the stampede does not stop to think.On the one hand we find young people with a desire to succeed, a dreamy life, but most of the time fantasy with impossible dreams or goals that basically absurd are going to leave unhappy and always thought that the problem is in the world andnot themselves.Are we so quick to blame others, that we fail to realize that the problem is in ourselves.I dread to think into the future just want this to itself and overwhelmed.Seek pleasure for pleasure like animals without reason, without a fixed course by which to walk with an uncertain future as it moves something like capases instinct and not to go beyond how they feel.But dreams seriously.And they are capases to put everything in their power to carry out their purpose in life.These young people struggle, struggle to respond to or who believe, are people who just look at them you realize they are consistent and say to yourself in regret: "This will go far."
1.2 The recreation to occupy the leisure time of youth and children:
"Since man began to live in the community after completing their basic functions of the day, try to occupy the remaining free time having fun, physical activity, walking, etc.. Over the centuries, life became more hectic, but charged at the little free time that the man had tried to fill it with activities that help overcome the fatigue of a day's work, so it became necessaryto invent new games, recreation centers, places where you can play sports and so on.In order to make life more bearable for these people.
The sport is characterized by the human sense of routing all efforts to bring physical activity to all parts of the country dare our sports professionals.
The importance of a physically healthy generation, multilateral and harmonious development, it is increasingly a necessity in our society. Our country has been doing a tremendous job in sports development trying to respond to the needs and aspirations of each member of society grabbing them more useful to individuals from joining activities that offer our industry, but we must continueworking so that every time they get older and with more quality entertainment options to develop in our communities.
Free time is a mandatory playback constitution expanded spiritual personality, which is rationally organize a task of great social importance.
Planning and scheduling of these activities depend largely on the participants' age, tastes and interests of these and the culture required for its realization. The programming and offers recreational activities should be the preference of society to respond to common and individual interests, which taxed the motivational nature conservation and recreational activity. "
1.3 Child Psychology:
"Is defined as child psychology, the study of the behavior of the child from his time of birth through adolescence. Through different stages, such as physical, motor, cognitive, perceptual, emotional and social effect.Professionals in child psychology, developed in their work, explain and develop the differences between children, their behavior and in their development.
In their work, create and carry out methods to resolve and prevent, emotional, social, emotional, and often learning that can occur in children. "
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The history of consumption of intoxicants by the man goes back to times lost in the mists of the past. Both the new and the old world records in various practices are carried out for centuries, perhaps millennia, associated with the use of mind altering substances or intoxicated dela.Since ancient times has been a resource used by shamans, priests and warlocks to enter trance to carry out their religious activities such as prophesying, divine, healing the sick and invoke the spirits to communicate with him.Do not repeatedly used in order to create a state of euphoria and pleasure.
People in parts of Africa and the highlands of Peru and Bolivia chew betel nut, coca leaves or other alkaloids to reduce hunger and fatigue.
But today people living in the industrialized world, living in comfort, dedicated strongly to use many drugs that alter the mind and deeply damaging brain functions, with the sole purpose of obtaining pleasure at any cost.
1.2 "Young people in Colombia for the year 2000 (from 14 to 26)
represents 21% of total population in this group .**-especially among the poor-
concentrated problems of exclusion, lack of opportunities, poverty reproduction.The
young men suffer high rates of violent deaths and lower life expectancy in
young compared to other countries of America. Many of them are marginalized
science and technology, employment opportunities, political participation, recreation and
possibilities of expression. It is the "breeding ground" for entry into the various circuits
illegal, armed groups (guerrillas, paramilitaries, common criminals), drug trafficking networks
and smuggling, prostitution, etc..
In 1997 approves the Law of Youth. Establish an institutional system for the design,
implementation and evaluation of youth policy, the creation of mechanisms
protection of young people and civil society participation in management, through various
operational modalities.
However, youth issues have not even made it into the public agenda. The
challenge is to become aware of the role of youth and enhance the vision and
young people as "subjects of rights" for the full exercise of citizenship and
establishment of social and institutional guarantees, respect and fulfillment of their rights
fundamental. "
DANE 1.2. Colombia: five-year population projections by sex and age, 1950-2050.
But there is also a class of young people who stop to think seriously about his life.They think in a certain way and not stop dreaming that ....
Other - perhaps the most painful - is dependent youth, mediocre, not wanting to progress only to live lives, unable to answer any of your questions, because he flees.
Today we can see various kinds of youth.
Childhood is now directed in ways that lead them to think and act differently, many of them question and answered with simple answers and often superficial to what your being asked.
The youth of today should pause and reflect.
This new vision of today's world, that wants to impose the rule of "I am so I have" to have power, knowledge, aspirations, progress, are dimensions of a person, but being a person transcends all this, as this
The youth has changed over time, today they are acquitted by society and the world around them, as time passes is more rebellious youth, to the point of manipulating whom he pleases in his own way
The project "Children of the future" we will take fourth place in the town of San Cristobal in the school Moralba SO, is intended to prevent the number of young drug addicts and generate unhealthy environment for the community. Bogotá, 1998
III. MARCO referential
1.1 "San Cristobal is the location number four of the Capital District of Bogota. It is located southeast of the city, including some urban and rural extension in the eastern hills.that would increase later in the twentieth century.The current inhabitants are descended from immigrants from other regions of the country in search of economic opportunities and conflicts that one suffers from the Colombian territory.In 1991 with the elevation of Special District Capital District in Bogotá by the 1991 constitution, the territory of San Cristobal became a town. "August 2002 demand for the education secretary of Bogotá, integrate district schools Morlba SO Quindío and comfort foundation
C3bal 1.1% (Bogot% c3% a1)
1.2 S.O Moralba coexistence manual page. 10
1.2 History of Moralba: school Moralba institutional educational institution born in late 2002 as a result of integration of educational institutions in advance by the district secretary of education and rule of law 715 of 2002, by Resolution No. 2391 of
Columbian times inhabited the whole of its territory was rural, concentrating its current settlement by the river valley by way of estates Fucha while urbanization came the erection of quarters from the present town of Santa Fe southward,